What if you joined the CCO Council? from Curtis Bingham on Vimeo.

Jeb Dasteel
Senior Vice President & Chief Customer Officer
2009 Chief Customer Officer of the Year
"I’ve had the Chief Customer Officer title for a couple of years, but have been doing many elements of the job for more than six years. In the early days I didn’t know anyone else with the CCO title, and I felt like I was a bit out in the wilderness. Unlike other executives, there wasn’t a network of resources I could turn to for help in my new Customer Focus mandate. With the Council, I feel like I’ve been able to come in from the wilderness and consult with executives from various industries with whom I can benchmark and share best practices. It is a safe place to lay everything on the table because we all have the same agenda: to become a little smarter and bring real value back to our companies. I feel like we’ve done very well with that in the last 12 months with the Council.
In my early days, I spent a lot of time learning by trial and error, getting a few things right, learning from what we got wrong, and getting it right the second time. If the Council had existed then, I might have been able to accomplish in three years what took me six, with a little less experimentation and a little more learning from others who have been there and done that.”
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Jasmine Green
Vice President & Chief Customer Advocate
2012 Chief Customer Officer of the Year
"At Nationwide, we've instituted a highly successful program called 'I Care,' in which we ask all associates to make a personal commitment to care for customers. I see CCO Council members making that same commitment to each other by sharing strategies, tactics and best practices to make contributions to customers and our companies even more meaningful. It's important for the customer-focused work we do at Nationwide to have access to this group of experts as well to all the other resources the Council provides."
"MetLife is excited to be part of the CCO Council. We are deeply committed to our customers and building a customer-centered business model is a cornerstone of our strategy. I’m pleased to join leaders from industries across the globe in pursuit of best practices to better understand customers and meet their needs."
Claire M. Burns
Senior Vice President & Chief Customer Officer
Lacey Grey,
Former Executive Director, Customer Experience
"I first became a CCO in the year 2000 and the real challenge at that point was that there was no formal organization – there was no council you could join, no conference you could attend – really no way to find others like yourself that were in similar roles in different companies. So the CCO Council has really provided the value of being that resource when many, many companies are making the decision to balance business and the customer.
The CCO Council is a resource for best practices, for leading practices. We can learn from other companies and what they’ve done and how it’s been successful. We can think about approaches that other companies have taken to accomplish the same tactics as those that we have to undertake. And I think there are many ways the CCO Council will be impactful in the future as more and more companies get on board and try to balance the business by focusing on customer needs."
Alan Chow
Chief Customer Officer
Teradata Corporation
"It’s been a fantastic experience joining the CCOC, the Council. The type of knowledge that I get is just fantastic for building customer centricity culture in a company like Teradata where we thought we were very customer centric. And yet, there’s just so much to learn out there from our peers, in other industries; it’s just a wealth of knowledge."
Peter Quinn
Chief Customer Officer
"You know, there are a lot of good reasons why I came here, but the most effective thing is the networking and the advice and guidance from all the other Council members. One really interesting thing for me was all about onboarding of customers during mergers and acquisitions. I’ve been thinking about it with my team and I suddenly was in a room with maybe six, seven people who had been through this before and who really understood how to do it properly. So I’m going away with a whole plan for how I can now make this executable. It’s a deliverable; it’s not just discussion."
Tammy McLeod
Vice President & Chief Customer Officer
Arizona Public Service Company (APS)
2010 Chief Customer Officer of the Year
"Time is my most precious commodity. The CCO Council, with its best practices, in-depth research, and most importantly, the ability to have dialogue with other highly experienced members in a trusted environment is invaluable because it saves me time. The sharing is excellent. I no longer have to reinvent the wheel with every new initiative. Most importantly, I'm not experimenting at my customers' expense as I deploy tried-and-tested Council best practices. As a member, I can deliver a better customer experience and better business results--much faster."
Hilary Noon
Vice President, Customer Insight and Experience
American Cancer Society
"I had an initial opportunity to experience the CCO Council before I joined and was really impressed by the caliber of the conversation."
Phil Bussey
Senior Vice President & Chief Customer Officer
Puget Sound Energy (PSE)
"I have found that it has been an incredibly valuable experience for me to be surrounded by my peers. They’re all concerned about the future of their companies as it relates to the customer and the customer experience, at the same time coming from very different fields, which challenges my thinking, gets me thinking outside of my normal industry and sector and provides new ideas. It’s also a whole network of folks that I can go back and follow up with, talk to, share ideas with, bounce opportunities off of. I’ve found that to be incredibly valuable."
"Rosetta Stone is very pleased to be part of the Chief Customer Officer Council. We have a tremendous commitment to each one of our customers, and to join a like-minded influential group focused on thought-leadership in the customer experience space fits our ethos perfectly. All the areas that we currently are drivingforward—from customer analytics and behavioral personas; through socialization and concierge services—all can benefit from and contribute to the Council's best practices approach."
Jay Topper
Former Senior Vice President, Customer Success
Rosetta Stone
"I've always believed that a successful company's business strategy is driven by customer input. I am proud to be the voice of the customer at Oncor and am excited to join an organization that is dedicated to the same customer advocacy principles in which I believe."
Brenda Jackson
Former Chief Customer Officer
Rudy Vidal
Former Chief Customer Officer
"The CCO Council offers tremendous value to me, personally and professionally. The in-depth discussions are invaluable. I get immediate answers to my most pressing problems. I can learn from brilliant people what is working or not, without dragging my customers through my mistakes. With this collective wisdom, I am guaranteed to be successful!
I treasure the ability to share my concerns and get answers and support in a safe environment. I can lay out my strategy and ask for input, experiences, and advice. Members feel my pain and understand my concerns, and they are truly selfless in helping each other succeed, which is a rarity in business.
Brian Study
Chief Customer Officer
SAVO Group
"At SAVO, we are dedicated to our customers' success. We have organized our teams around it, developed programs to promote it, and we measure ourselves based on their success. I look forward to working with other members of the council to explore innovative ways to drive the imperative of customer success to the forefront of an organization's strategic initiatives."
Jennifer Maul
Senior Vice President, Global Sales
"Throughout my career, I have worked with large companies implementing enterprise solutions, and a key to success has been advocating for customers both internally and externally. I am pleased to work with my fellow Council members as we sponsor customer advocacy, customer success, and voice of the customer programs within our organizations. I am delighted to be part of the Chief Customer Officer Council. The greatest benefit that I've received from joining the Council is really listening to and learning from my peers. They have similar missions as mine and I've been able to take back a wealth of ideas and implement them within Vendavo."
"I'm passionate about working with creative, energetic people who all have the same goal—building world-class companies that focus on fulfilling customer needs, which is why I'm so enthusiastic about participating on the CCO Council. It's exciting when like-minded people across industries come together because there's a wealth of knowledge to gain from our collective experiences, which ultimately benefits the customer."
Anne Bowman
Former Chief Customer Officer
Voxeo Corporation
What's in it for YOU? from Curtis Bingham on Vimeo.