The Bingham Advisory

The most powerful force for future business success is not the product, service, or technology—it is the customer. The Bingham Advisory is strategic advice for chief customer officers, chief executive officers, and boards of directors on matters of customer strategy. It is designed to help global organizations understand and leverage the value of the rising power of the customer and elevate the notion of customer centricity to a valued corporate discipline that results in sustainable competitive advantage and long-term, profitable growth.
The Bingham Advisory offers relevant, practical advice to help you and your company:
- Demonstrate the impact of customer-centricity by improving top- and bottom-line results
- Engage customers to protect customers from employees, gather insight to drive strategy, and create loyalty which leads to greater revenue
- Engage employees to better understand, serve, and retain customers
- Innovate in ways that are guaranteed success with customers at their core
For questions regarding The Bingham Advisory, please contact us at

The CCO Council 2014 CCO Study
This Bingham Advisory is a unique synthesis of statistics and analysis portraying the current state of CCOs and similarly titled senior-most customer executives. Designed to enlighten, instruct, and advance these critical roles and their singular mission, the 2014 CCO study provides CCOs and their leaders with vital, original intelligence, specific recommendations, and practical strategies that will ensure their companies achieve greater customer centricity and long-term profit. Inside you will find:
- Strategic recommendations for CCOs, CEOs, and boards
- How CCOs are distributed among Fortune-ranked companies
- Distribution of CCOs by company size, geography, and industry
- Historical trends in the role
- The 2013 average tenure calculation
- New and emerging career paths for CCOs
For more information, including the executive summary, click here.

The Customer Engagement Trajectory
To remain relevant in the face of skyrocketing competition and activist customers, companies must strategically engage customers in acquisition, retention, innovation, operational efficiency, and in overall strategy.
Engaging with customers enables companies to gain an understanding of customer conditions, aspirations, and future direction. Engagement amplifies marketing campaigns and removes barriers to (re) purchase. Engaged customers are powerful evangelists. And as evidenced by Oracle’s most engaged customers generating 33% greater revenue than their counterparts, engaged customers are the key to sustainable revenue growth.
In this Bingham Advisory you’ll learn the definition of customer engagement and how engagement can be measured. You’ll learn about the Customer Engagement Trajectory, a framework for understanding where engagement emerges in the business-customer relationship and provides its greatest value. In addition, you’ll also learn how real world companies such as MetLife, Oracle, and Riot Games are engaging their customers and enjoying bottom line improvements to revenue and shareholder value as a result.

Powerful Influence on Customer Centricity
Authority is the currency of the C-Suite. Greater Authority means greater ability to influence the organization to take a desired action. Many loyalty executives find they lack vocal and explicit CEO support and struggle to overcome resistance to their initiatives, inject the voice of the customer into strategic decisions, and engage the business in resolving customer issues.
So what do you need to do to increase your authority? How can you better use the authority that’s been granted to you? How can you build stronger relationships, engage employees and demonstrate and communicate results?
In this Bingham Advisory, you’ll not only learn about the three types of chief customer officer authority: Positional, Borrowed and Earned, you'll also learn five ways to borrow and four ways to earn greater authority with specific examples of each, including methods that have been tested and proven by the CCOs that Curtis Bingham has worked with over the last decade.

Eight Imperatives for the Chief Customer Officer
This Bingham Advisory enumerates the critical success factors that enable customer executives to be successful in driving customer centricity throughout their businesses and creating sustainable competitive advantage. Within are the answers to the following questions:
- What is the ideal reporting structure—and why it is critical to get this one thing right?
- What are the three types of CCO Authority?
- How can you as the CCO gain more authority in the organization?
- What are the characteristics of the CCO?
- When hiring, what should the CEO and Board look for?
- As the CCO, what abilities must you develop?
- What are the 6 key challenges of the CCO and how do you overcome them?
- What are the 9 things that need to be part of every CCO’s dashboard?
In addition, you'll learn the 7 most important enablers of culture change as well as what the CCO and the CEO need to do in order to facilitate and sustain such change.