A Quote about the CCO Council from Curtis Bingham
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Curtis on...Critical Success Factors for CCOs: 7. Earned Authority

In this seventh and final video on critical success factors for chief customer officers and senior loyalty executives, Curtis Bingham, Founder and Executive Director of the Chief Customer Officer Council explains how CCOs must earn and use their authority to positively and effectively influence organizations to become customer centric.


Transcript for Curtis on...Critical Success Factors for CCOs: 7. Earned Authority

The seventh critical success factor for chief customer officers and loyalty executives is personal earned authority. If you recall from our previous discussions, borrowed authority tends to wane over time as the CEOs priorities change or as other priorities come on board.

The most important thing that you need to be doing as a chief customer officer is demonstrating the results. You need to own customer insight. You need to be able to tell the customer stories. You need to be able to leverage analytics, to help marketing, sales, and support better do their job in serving and meeting the needs of the customers.

You need to form and leverage allies that can help you champion the customer cause. You need to engage the employees using rewards, incentives, motivations, whatever the case is, in order to deliver consistently great positive results that positively impact the bottom line including top-line growth and bottom-line profitability growth.

If you're the CEO, ensure that the CCO develops strong credibility and credence within the organization. Help pave their way so that they don't have to do it all on their own.

If you're the chief customer officer or other loyalty executives, advertise your results. The old saying is so very true. Nobody is going to toot your horn for you. You need to toot your horn and show very clearly how what you are doing benefits others and impacts the top and bottom line.


"At SAVO, we are dedicated to our customers' success. We have organized our teams around it, developed programs to promote it, and we measure ourselves based on their success. I look forward to working with other members of the council to explore innovative ways to drive the imperative
of customer success to
the forefront of an
strategic initiatives."

Brian Study
SAVO Group