A Quote about the CCO Council from Curtis Bingham
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Chief Customer Officer Council Spring Meeting

May 19-20, 2011

The theme for this meeting is, “Driving Customer Centricity Throughout the Organization.” Everybody talks about customer centricity as the new mandate, yet too often our customers tell us the gap between ideal and reality is huge.

We’ve all made inroads towards this mandate and we have the numbers and the battle wounds to prove it. Part of the challenge we still face was appropriately expressed by one CCO who said, “I feel like everybody is sitting back and waiting for my team to do it all.” We can’t afford to be the only customer advocates. How do we push the notion of customer-centricity deeper into the organization? How can we clearly and with great impact show everyone in the organization his or her impact on customers?

During this series of discussions, you will learn from Maryan Broadbent, Group Chief Customer Officer of AIA how she has made the customer the highest priority at GE, Royal Bank of Scotland, and other companies. Tammy McLeod, CCO at Arizona Public Service and 2010 Chief Customer Officer of the Year will share her successes at creating “unlikely allies” to help her champion the customer cause, and together we’ll create a map of the most important allies to enlist in our efforts and the most effective ways of convincing them of their impact on customers. Roei Ganzarski, CCO of Boeing Flight Services, will share a brilliant case study describing how he has managed to infuse his smaller-company customer-centric culture into the risk-adverse culture of acquiring company Boeing.

This is the only place where CCOs can gather and openly share with true peers successes, failures, and challenges. Here you’ll learn what others have done before, and most importantly gain answers to your most urgent issues. You’ll walk away with a collection of new ideas, proven strategies, and a handful of best practices. I guarantee that the more you engage, the more you’ll gain that will help ensure your success and increase your value to your organization, your CEO, and your customers.

In this age where customers demand superior service, access, and transparency, customer-centricity is the only sustainable source of competitive advantage. As members of the CCO Council, let’s fuel this transformation by bringing everyone with us on the journey towards solid business performance.
I look forward to having you join us.

Curtis Bingham
Founder and Executive Director, CCO Council

Event Agenda
Thursday, May 19, 2011
8:00am ET Breakfast & Networking
Breakfast & Networking
Presented by:
Curtis Bingham

9:00am ET Welcome & Opening Remarks
Welcome & Opening Remarks
Presented by:
Curtis Bingham

10:00am ET Special Report: The Business Case for the CCO
Special Report: The Business Case for the CCO
Presented by:
Curtis Bingham

11:00am ET Break
Presented by:
Curtis Bingham

11:15am ET Making the Customer Everyone’s Job #1
As the 17th century poet Donne said, “no man is an island.” So must a CCO avoid being the only customer advocate, lest employees abdicate their customer responsibilities. How do you bring the entire organization along with you on your customer-centric journey, making it everyone’s job #1? Maryan Broadbent will draw upon her extensive experience with GE, Royal Bank of Scotland, and others and share her successes and challenges in aligning the business around the customer. She’ll share some of the foundations for customer-focused culture change, ways she has established credibility and been proactively invited to the table to share the customer perspective and co-design customer strategy. Maryan will share ways of proving customers are the real source of value. She will also present an idealized clean-slate strategy for us to critique and adapt to our own cultures. Topics for discussion: If you were to survey your employees, how many would acknowledge customers are their most important drivers? How have you established credibility such that you are invited to the table to share the customer perspective? How do you measure customer centricity within your organization? How far has it propagated through your organization and what evidence do you have? How do you show that customers are the true source of value?
Presented by:
Maryan Broadbent

12:30pm ET Lunch
Presented by:
Curtis Bingham

1:30pm ET Creating (Unlikely) Allies to Champion the Customer Cause
What partnerships are the most important to make in creating a customer-centric culture? How can you leverage unlikely allies to further your cause? At Arizona Public Service, CCO Tammy McLeod has enlisted legal, billing, and even fleet management as allies in creating a groundswell of support for cultural change efforts that have paid huge dividends. In this session, Tammy will share with us her strategies for identifying, motivating, and enlisting these unlikely allies, after which she will lead us in a focused discussion of whom we should be enlisting and how to convince them of their impact on customers. Topics for discussion: Who are the most important allies the CCO must have? Who are the most unlikely and still influential allies to engage? For each of these, how do you show their impact on the customer? How can you enable their success?
Presented by:
Tammy McLeod

3:00pm ET Break
Presented by:
Curtis Bingham

3:15pm ET Mid-Course Correction: Boeing’s Customer Transformation
After acquiring a Customer-Centric Company Many companies lose their identity and culture when acquired by a much larger company. But not so Alteon Flight Training. CCO Roei Ganzarski is rapidly infusing customer-centricity into the culture of $70B Boeing. Roei has made significant and powerful partnerships with Boeing leadership and is changing the focus from strict product quality by adding in customer perspective. As a result, Boeing is seeing large increases in customer satisfaction due to non-product improvements. Roei will share with us the journey he’s trod, the successes and challenges he’s experienced, and will share with us some of his strategies going forward for us to adapt and improve. Topics for discussion: How do you prove the customer and financial value of non-product enhancements to an engineering-led organization? How can you induce customer-centric change into a very risk-averse culture where failure is viewed as catastrophic?
Presented by:
Roei Ganzarski

4:45pm ET Council Research Agenda
Discuss the upcoming research projects and provide guidance
Presented by:
Curtis Bingham

5:15pm ET Closing Remarks
Closing Remarks from Curtis Bingham.
Presented by:
Curtis Bingham

5:30pm ET Adjourn & Shuttle to Sofitel
Adjourn & Shuttle to Sofitel
Presented by:
Curtis Bingham

6:30pm ET Dinner Provided by the CCO Council
Dinner Provided by the CCO Council
Presented by:
Curtis Bingham
Friday, May 20, 2011
8:00am ET Breakfast & Networking
Breakfast & Networking
Presented by:
Curtis Bingham

9:00am ET Opening Remarks
Opening Remarks
Presented by:
Curtis Bingham

9:10am ET Strategy Review
Strategy Review
Presented by:
Curtis Bingham

10:10am ET Break
Presented by:
Curtis Bingham

10:25am ET Council Business
Council Business
Presented by:
Curtis Bingham

10:40am ET Overcoming Your Greatest Challenges
What is keeping you from being as successful as you desire? What would you most like to change about your role, your organization, your company, or even your customers? Come prepared to share the details of one or two critical issues and learn from your peers who’ve “been there, done that” and can tell you from experience exactly how they overcame similar problems—and the pitfalls to avoid. Brainstorm unique and innovative solutions with your peers that will help you turn these challenges into your next opportunity. Topics for discussion: What (or whom) is hampering your efforts to drive results for your customers? What strategy have you been wishing you could get input on? What frustrates you the most—that you don’t feel like you can share with your peers? If you could change one thing about your job, responsibilities, accountabilities, etc., what would it be?
Presented by:
Curtis Bingham

11:55am ET Closing Remarks
Closing remarks from Curtis Bingham.
Presented by:
Curtis Bingham

12:00pm ET Adjourn & Luncheon
Lunch and shuttle back to Sofitel.
Presented by:
Curtis Bingham
Cost: Free


"At SAVO, we are dedicated to our customers' success. We have organized our teams around it, developed programs to promote it, and we measure ourselves based on their success. I look forward to working with other members of the council to explore innovative ways to drive the imperative
of customer success to
the forefront of an
strategic initiatives."

Brian Study
SAVO Group